
Why So Serious? Live a Merry Life!


images-1Live, Laugh, Love and, have fun doing it!

The word of God says in, Proverbs 17:22 “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.” Why be broken and dried up bones? I am a testament of how precious life is, after losing my husband and my mom. We’re not promised tomorrow so live life today like it’s your last!

Be grateful, tell your loved ones that you love them, get out and live life, have fun! Laugh and then laugh some more! Be more adventurous and spontaneous! Enjoy your loved ones and, especially your spouse and kids!



This Is How We Do It!

We are a huge sports family! Part of the house is huge into baseball, and the other into football (ME).  What is fun to us is watching our favorite football team play, like the Denver Broncos, Super Bowl 50 Champs! I also love all of Colorado’s sports team, and then the St. Louis Cardinals.

When the Broncos play it’s a big deal in our house,  there is a big spread of delicious food, all the kiddo’s gather around, we eat, and cheer (I scream) on our Broncos as they play! The memories and time together is priceless!


Kids Play

The most fun that we have had as a family with the love of sports, by far has been watching our kids play and do well in the sport they love! From baseball, football, basketball, and volleyball. We enjoy watching reality tv together or going to the movies.  I’ll admit though, we do need to get back to basics and start back to having family nights. It really does create family bonding!

I like to take each of the kids one at a time on what I call “date lunch.”   It gives me the time to listen to that child’s likes, what’s going on in school or work, or just the time alone with them.  It also shows them they’re valued and important!

It’s Not All About The Game!

Oh it’s not just in the games that we have fun, or at least for me it’s not. I love to do many other things for fun like, shopping, cooking, travel, and much more.  Things that will  be shared in one way or another on this site in hopes to bring you Tidbits from Show-Me Daily Life.